Any California professional under investigation by their licensing authority needs the legal advice and counsel of an experienced, qualified licensing lawyer. But is it important to have one who is in your geographic area? Can you work with a lawyer outside your local area to expand your options for finding the best possible legal representation for your case?
While in many legal situations you might assume the answer to that question is “no,” in the case of licensing law, it is actually “yes.” This is because, in licensing law cases, unlike in many other types of legal situations, the geographical location where a case is heard by a judge is not controlled by the jurisdiction of the licensee. Therefore in these situations, it matters little whether the lawyer you hire lives where you do. In addition, many license cases never proceed to trial and can be successfully handled out of court. This makes it even more important that you hire the BEST licensing lawyer you can find versus hiring a locally available resource.
To schedule a consultation on a professional licensing issue, please contact our law offices today at (877) 280-9944.
How do you determine how qualified a licensing lawyer is?
In matters of law, like in many professional services businesses, it is critical that you look for the following characteristics in any licensing lawyer you want to vet to be your solution for your legal case:
- A strong (and long) track record of handling cases in administrative law generally and licensing law specifically
- Successful resolution of a diverse set of licensing cases requiring different legal strategies
- Examples of cases they have handled similar to yours (especially if you face concomitant criminal charges)
- Strong familiarity with the California court system and licensing authorities (licensing review processes, likely outcomes, leverage points)
You should also ask about their approach to your case specifically and the likely outcome (but remember, no guarantees) as well as how they will communicate with you as the case proceeds. They should also fully disclose additional fees, their billing rates and payment requirements (retainers, administrative and court fees, financial penalties).
Generally, most lawyers will provide you with a low-cost, preliminary assessment of your case before you commit to hiring them. Make sure you choose your licensing lawyer carefully. Your professional reputation and your livelihood is at stake!
The Law Offices of Lucy S. McAllister have successfully represented a wide range of California licensed professionals and we are experienced in handling all types of licensing accusations and licensing issues as well as criminal cases.
We are diligent, relentless and pay attention to details, and we work as long and as hard as necessary to obtain a winning result. We examine all relevant legal options for your case and discuss these with you so you know the alternatives, including negotiation, mediation and arbitration in order to obtain the optimal result. In many cases, this saves you the expense, inconvenience and time required by litigation, hearings and trial.
For additional information please contact our law offices today at (877) 280-9944.