If you have been notified by a letter from your California licensing board or authority that your license is under investigation and have received an Accusation, “Statement to Respondent” (or if your license application has been denied, a Statement of Issues), you will also receive a Notice of Defense. This is an important legal document constituting a request for a hearing and overall denial of the allegations in an Accusation.
You have a very limited time (15 days from the date of notification) to retain your right to an Administrative Hearing to defend yourself. The Notice of Defense (described by California Business & Professionals Code Section 11506) will be sent to you by your board and if not filed within 15 days of being mailed to you, your license or your license application will go into default. In the case of default, your board will typically impose the most stringent sanctions possible including the revocation or denial of your California professional license.
Once a Notice of Defense is filed, your case will proceed into the discovery phase of the investigation in the case of an Accusation or will trigger the scheduling of an Administrative Hearing should your application have been denied.
If you are under investigation by your California licensing board or authority and have received a an Accusation or “Statement to Respondent,” contact our law offices today at (877) 280-9944 to learn more about our legal defense services for licensees before you take any action on your own behalf. We can immediately help you create a strong legal strategy to leverage you in negotiations with Board counsel and help you protect your career and livelihood.