Licensing agencies have the authority to issue citations to California licensees for alleged violations of the law. Citations are issued when the severity of a violation may not warrant suspension or revocation of the licensee’s right to practice. When a fine is levied with a citation, payment of the fine represents satisfactory resolution of the matter.
Citations can be added to your licensing record, and as such, may act as a form of discipline against you. All citations issued by the Board are matters of public record. Summaries of the citations remain on the web site for five (5) years after the citation is final, unless further action is taken against the licensee.
Here is an example of a citation, now a matter of public record at the California Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists:
Citations by licensing boards should not be taken lightly, and deserve a vigorous defense, as they may play a role in future actions filed by a licensing agency. As there may be time limits within which you may appeal a citation, you should consult an experienced licensing attorney as soon as your receive a notice of any citation.
The Law Offices of Lucy S. McAllister can work with you to assess the conditions of your citation and determine if there is a basis for appealing a licensing board’s action. Contact our law offices today to receive consultation about your specific case.